Expand your possiblity
Through the English environment in their daily lives and the step-by-step curriculum, even students with no overseas experience will acquire advanced English skills that will enable them to study at universities in English speaking countries. The curriculum, in which general subjects such as art, IT, mathematics, and science are taught in English, allows for a rich variety of English activities and accelerates English learning at the same time as subject study. In addition, there are many events and assignments that require listening, speaking and writing skills, providing many opportunities for students to communicate in English. Meetings, communications, and notices are also conducted in English.
hope of becoming citizens of the world by learning to interact with young people from many backgrounds. When they graduate, we hope they have gained much more than expected. Being part of the KLAS community will help to give them strength of character, to teach them the importance of respecting others and of friendship, and to develop the maturity to make independent decisions with self-confidence
College Guidance
Our graduates go on to pursue careers in medicine, engineering, languages, international relations, law, economics, the arts, and many other fields. We do not merely prepare students for entrance admissions, but provide career advice for their dreams. For this reason, a full-time college guidance counsellor is assigned to each student from the very beginning.