Kumon Leysin Academy of Switzerland (KLAS) promotes the ability to think and behave from a global point of view. In order to realize this, KLAS promotes abilities in reasoning, language, expression and behaviour. In students, KLAS aims:
To develop an awareness of the international community
As a multi-cultural school in the heart of Europe, we promote an international outlook through intercultural experiences and exchanges.
To develop English language skills
Through small ESL classes taught by teachers with English as their native language and through the use of English in daily life around school, we promote a high level of skills in English communication.
To develop mature and responsible personalities
Through a discipline policy based upon “freedom and self-responsibility” and through dormitory life, we promote independence of thought and behavior.

School leadership & Educators
KLAS faculty are specialists with skills backed by in-depth education, knowledge, and experience. They are also with strong personalities who provide support for KLAS students in a foreign environment, not only in their classes, but also in various aspects of school events, dormitory life, and school
Our location
The village of Leysin, located on the southern slopes of the Swiss Alps, is a bright and healthy alpine resort with year-round sunshine and is one of the safest places in Switzerland. It is also home to four international high schools and universities, making it a cosmopolitan educational district where students gather from all over the world.

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